
Our project will create jobs, strengthen the local community and respect the environment


How Dalradian will support the community in West Tyrone

We want to spread the benefits of our project as widely as possible. Modern mining projects bring prosperity to the areas in which they operate – as the experience of mines in the Republic of Ireland show.

These projects have developed locals’ skills, helped communities thrive and provided opportunities for other businesses – all while respecting the environment.

Dalradian has supported over 650 local community groups and healthcare providers. Their work has helped conserved the local river, supported schools, and provided transport for older people in remote areas, among much else. 


A new tourist attraction

Over 1700 people have taken the opportunity to explore our tunnel.  These tours are a fascinating insight into our operations and modern mining in general. It’s a unique opportunity to learn more about the geological history of the area and the economic potential for the people of Tyrone.

Similar attractions have drawn hundreds of thousands of tourists in other areas. The Arigna mining tours in Co. Roscommon allow visitors to explore the last working coal mine in Ireland.

The National Trust’s tours of the Dolaucothi Gold Mine in Wales give visitors an insight into the lives of miners in the early 20th century. These tourist attractions support local guesthouses, pubs and hotels in their areas. Dalradian’s tunnel tours have the potential to do the same for West Tyrone.


Leading the way
to STEM success

The presence of a mine can lift the sights of young people in rural areas and provide a path to quality careers.

Following an initial £15 million, three year training programme, we expect at least 90% of employees will be from the local area.

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Tara Mines:
Integral to the Community

Tara Mines, in Navan, Co. Meath, has lifted every aspect of town life. They work closely with local people to support the GAA club, the community hall – even the local anglers' club.

In fact, after 40 years of operations, it's hard to tell where the mining project ends and the local community begins. Each has come to rely on the other. Tara Mines' relationship with the people of Navan is a model for Dalradian in Tyrone.

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Lisheen Mine:
A virtuous lifecycle

The legacy of the Lisheen Mine in Co. Tipperary is greater prosperity, better infrastructure, and a carefully restored landscape. 

Tipperary is renowned for its horse breeding and dairy farming. Until 2017, it was also home to a zinc and lead mine that provided 400 jobs for almost 20 years. During that time, Lisheen Mine helped the local town refurbish their community centres and build a sports hall. 

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Our commitment to
the local community

We established the Dalradian Community Fund (formerly known as the Tyrone Fund) in 2015 to formalise something we had been doing for a long time – supporting local people. To date, we've invested over £1.2 million to over 650 community initiatives.

In November 2020, following a discussion with local councillors we decided to extend the fund both geographically and financially to include applications from Fermanagh as well as Tyrone.

Our recipients have used their grants to do things like protect the freshwater pearl mussel in the Owenkillew River, build an Enviro Shed to teach kids about local wildlife, and provide a shuttle bus service for older people living in remote places. That's just the beginning. If we receive planning approval, we will distribute at least £4 million.

What would your organisation do with a Dalradian Community Fund grant?

We welcome your questions.

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    Your support matters

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    Great things can happen with your support

    Support our plans to create jobs, strengthen the local community and respect the environment. The Department for Infrastructure will take your views into account. Help make our plans a reality.

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    Dalradian will not see your letter, nor any of your details. Your letter of support will be sent directly to the Department for Infrastructure