
Our project will create jobs, strengthen the local community and respect the environment

Responsible Business

A strong commitment to sustainability,
community, and environmental stewardship

Our community

Supporting the community in West Tyrone

We want to spread the benefits of our project as widely as possible. Modern mining projects bring prosperity to the areas in which they operate. Dalradian wants to ensure that the proposed multi-metal mine brings maximum benefits to the area—providing career opportunities, generating new business for local suppliers, and contributing to community projects.

  • 1,750+ people

    1,750+ people

    have taken tunnel tours
  • 17,400 total training hours

    17,400 total training hours

    for employees
  • 4 years

    4 years

    lost time incident (LTI) free
  • £1.2 million in funding

    £1.2 million in funding

    provided to more than 650 community groups
  • 4,300+ people have registered interest

    4,300+ people have registered interest

    in working at the mine
  • 830+ landowners given us permission to sample

    830+ landowners given us permission to sample

    or access their property for exploration or environmental monitoring

Health and safety

A robust health and safety culture isn’t just a legal requirement or a box to tick. It is a fundamental commitment to the well-being of everyone within our organisation, and it is at the core of our corporate culture. We believe that no task, however important or pressing, should be carried out in an unsafe way.

We hold all our employees and contractors accountable for their health and safety performance and compliance with the relevant legislation, laws and international guidelines. Health and safety are built into our plans and designs. We provide the correct information, training, and supervision for everyone who works on the site and support them with the resources and equipment to manage health and safety risks.

It’s also important to celebrate our successes, and we’re delighted to have gone four years without a lost-time incident (LTI).

“I’ve been working for Dalradian since 2016 as a geological technician, but this isn’t the first time I’ve worked at a mining project in Tyrone. In the late 1980s and early 90s I worked on the drill rigs at a local gold project. It just goes to show that mineral exploration and development has been in and around Tyrone for a while now.”

Paddy Campbell,

Geological Technician


The presence of a mine can lift the sights of young people in rural areas and provide paths to quality careers.

  • Our £15 million, three-year training programme

    Our £15 million, three-year training programme

    will help local people reskill to work at the mine
  • We expect at least 90% of employees

    We expect at least 90% of employees

    will be from the local area following training programme.

Staff Wellbeing

Our employees are a diverse group, with a broad range of ages, experiences, backgrounds, and education levels. Many of our current staff have been part of our team for over ten years and have progressed their careers through training, experience in new areas of work, attendance at conferences, or visits to operating mines. Several of our staff have been able to pursue higher education with support from Dalradian and rejoin the company with new skills and knowledge.

Our staff are also supported through wellness programmes, where they learn practical methods of staying healthy and encourage each other to develop and maintain exercise programmes and healthy eating. Dalradian’s commitment to developing the skills of local people and supporting them throughout their careers has been recognised with an Investors in People accreditation.

Dalradian Community Fund

We established the Dalradian Community Fund (formerly known as the Tyrone Fund) in 2015 to formalise our long-standing commitment to supporting local people. To date, we’ve invested over £1.2 million in over 650 community initiatives.

In November 2020, following a discussion with local councillors, we decided to extend the fund geographically and financially to include applications from Fermanagh and Tyrone.

Arts groups, environmental groups, healthcare providers, schools, sports teams and social clubs are among the local associations that benefitted from funding. That’s just the beginning. We have committed to further funding in the event of a successful planning outcome—a minimum of £4 million for community projects over the life of mine.

Modern mining projects bring prosperity to the areas in which they operate, and we want to spread the benefits of our project as widely as possible. What would your organisation do with a Dalradian Community Fund grant?

Modern mining case studies

Tara mines: integral to the community

Tara Mines, in Navan, Co. Meath, has lifted every aspect of town life. They work closely with local people to support the GAA club, the community hall—even the local anglers’ club.

In fact, after 40 years of operations, it’s hard to tell where the mining project ends, and the local community begins. Each has come to rely on the other. Tara Mines’ relationship with the people of Navan is a model for Dalradian in Tyrone.

Modern mining case studies

Lisheen mine: a virtuous lifecycle

The legacy of the Lisheen Mine in Co. Tipperary is greater prosperity, better infrastructure, and a carefully restored landscape.

Tipperary is renowned for its horse breeding and dairy farming. Until 2017, it was also home to a zinc and lead mine that provided 400 jobs for almost 20 years. During that time, Lisheen Mine helped the local town refurbish their community centres and build a sports hall.

Your support matters

Support our plans to create jobs, strengthen the local community and respect the environment. The Department for Infrastructure will take your views into account. Help make our plans a reality.

Your letter of support will be sent directly to the Department for Infrastructure. Dalradian will not see your letter, nor any of your details.

Great things can happen with your support

Support our plans to create jobs, strengthen the local community and respect the environment. The Department for Infrastructure will take your views into account. Help make our plans a reality.

Customise a letter of support in two simple steps:

Provide your personal details

This will signal your support to the Department for Infrastructure. You can choose to keep these details private.

Tell the Department for Infrastructure why you support the project

Please tick all the elements you like about the proposed project.

Dalradian will not see your letter, nor any of your details. Your letter of support will be sent directly to the Department for Infrastructure