
Our project will create jobs, strengthen the local community and respect the environment

Nipper / Equipment Operator

Future Careers

Nipper / Equipment Operator

Education Requirement: Level 2+

Number of Roles Available: 8

Stage: Operations

Department: Mining Operations (Production)

Job Purpose:

This is a functional role for a Nipper - Equipment Operator in the Curraghinalt underground mine that will be part of the development and production mining team. The role is primarily to ensure the mining teams have mining supplies in their working areas, to ensure their efficient work process.

The Nipper - Equipment Operator will be required to source the mining supplies from surface and underground stores, manage specific storage areas in the mine and ensure that any stock in or out of the store areas under their control are accounted for, using either paper or computer systems.

The Nipper - Equipment Operator will be required to work within the mining teams and with other teams such as safety and maintenance. They will use a variety of equipment for the purpose of transportation of mining supplies, such as light vehicles, scissor lift, telescopic handlers, etc. and must be trained and authorised to operate each of the units.

Duties and responsibilities:

  • Operate mining equipment to the standards described in the relevant Safe Operating Standards (SOP) including carrying out a pre-start check

  • Enter areas of the mine only with the supervisors permission

  • Organise and manage delivery of mining supplies to each of the mining teams, as instructed by the supervisor at the start of shift

  • Engage with the stores personnel to source, identify, sign out and load the required mining supplies from the main stores area

  • Transport the mining supplies in a safe manner to the mining areas, following traffic management rules

  • Supply and manage smaller storage areas within the mine

  • Work on a shift rotation aligned with mining teams, including day and night shift

  • Mining supplies will include pipes, cables, ventilation accessories, drilling consumables, spare parts for equipment, fuel, lubricants, etc.

This role does not include the delivery of explosives, as this will only be carried out by trained shotfirer.

Personal Requirements:

  • Education to a minimum of GCSE or equivalent

  • Basic knowledge and experience with paper or computer-based systems of stock management

  • Some experience with light or heavy equipment

  • Hold a valid driving license

  • Ability to work independently and manage/prioritise a workload


  • Ability to complete work reports

  • Ability to communicate with team members and supervisors.

Dalradian Gold Ltd is an Equal Opportunities Employer and welcomes applications from all sections of the community.

Disclaimer: The information contained herein is proposed and therefore is subject to change.

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Great things can happen with your support

Support our plans to create jobs, strengthen the local community and respect the environment. The Department for Infrastructure will take your views into account. Help make our plans a reality.

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Dalradian will not see your letter, nor any of your details. Your letter of support will be sent directly to the Department for Infrastructure