What can we learn from Sweden’s experience of modern mining?
Dalradian is proposing an environmentally responsible project with major economic and community benefits for Tyrone. In Sweden, a similar approach has already proved successful.
Community Benefits
Sweden is one of the world’s most environmentally progressive countries; it is also Europe’s leading mining nation with 16 active mines, including gold, silver and copper mines.
The country plans to triple production by 2025, helping to meet increasing demand for minerals from the renewables sector and creating more than 50,000 new jobs.
The overall goal is clear: Sweden will maintain and strengthen its position as the EU's leading mining nation. The mining industry provides great social benefits for the entire country in the form of revenue from exports, a large number of jobs, and tech-driven development that spreads to other industries."
'Mining for Generations', Swedish government and industry initiative
One of Sweden’s largest mining firms, Boliden, operates Tara Mine near Navan. The mine has been operating for over 40 years and has been a major driver of the local economy. Thanks to the mine over 4000 people have benefited from direct, indirect, and induced employment.
Modern mines provide employment and investment in rural areas, helping keep communities together. By providing well-paid jobs for the next 20-25 years Dalradian will create long-term career opportunities for Tyrone’s young people.
Thanks to an innovative approach, Sweden has become a testbed for new, environmentally friendly products. Swedish engineering firms account for 60% of all underground mining equipment.
Tyrone is also a leading centre for manufacturing minerals handling equipment. Dalradian’s vision is to build upon this by helping develop a centre of excellence to promote environmental care and mining technology.

Sweden is Europe’s leading mining nation with 16 active mines.

Your support matters
Support our plans to create jobs, strengthen the local community and respect the environment. The Department for Infrastructure will take your views into account. Help make our plans a reality.
Your letter of support will be sent directly to the Department for Infrastructure. Dalradian will not see your letter, nor any of your details.
Great things can happen with your support
Support our plans to create jobs, strengthen the local community and respect the environment. The Department for Infrastructure will take your views into account. Help make our plans a reality.
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Please tick all the elements you like about the proposed project.
Dalradian will not see your letter, nor any of your details. Your letter of support will be sent directly to the Department for Infrastructure