Enhancing Tyrone's Biodiversity
Dalradian’s proposed underground gold-silver-copper mine at Curraghinalt is located in an area characterised by agricultural land, elements of woodland and areas of peat. As part of our planning application, we have conducted extensive ecological impact assessments which provides detailed information about local animal populations and their habitats. Our proposed mine site has been designed to increase biodiversity.
Our plans
As a guiding principle, the area containing the project’s infrastructure has been made as small as possible to minimise habitat loss and infrastructure has been sited to avoid disturbance of habitats as much as possible.
We have also proposed an Ecological Mitigation and Management Plan (subject to approval by the Department for Infrastructure) which sets out a series of measures to help ensure that overall, the project produces a net gain for biodiversity.
As part of our ecological assessments, experts have produced a detailed analysis of local wildlife. These assessments have found that, in addition to breeding birds, the area supports other animals such as common lizards, bats, badgers, smooth newts and common frogs.
As well as appointing a dedicated Ecological Clerk of Works to help oversee the development of the mine and its operation, Dalradian is also proposing a number of measures to protect local animals and habitats.
One such tried and tested approach by ecologists is to compensate for the loss of any habitats by enhancing and improving similar habitat areas nearby.
Measures proposed include:
• Creating new peatland habitat areas
• Providing new roosting sites for bats
• Providing new nesting sites for birds
• Constructing a new replacement badger sett
• Relocating common lizards, common frogs and smooth newts
• Creating new breeding ponds
The combination of these activities will enhance rather than reduce the level of biodiversity across the wider area.
Wildlife protections
The proposed measures contained within the Ecological Mitigation and Management Plan are multifaceted and extensive, with specific actions identified for specific animals. Some of these are detailed below:
Bats: There are known to be at least six species of bat living within the area. To support them we will build a new stone bat house (8m by 5m) to replace an existing roost and improve foraging / commuting corridors by planting almost 2km of new hedgerow specifically for this purpose.
Construction work near the existing roost (within 50m) will only take place when necessary and, as required, under the guidance of a European Protected Species licence issued by the Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA).

Badgers: Surveys conducted at the proposed site found three active badger setts. These, and other setts in the area, will be monitored annually for two years after construction work has finished.
A NIEA licence is also required for any construction activity within 30m of an active badger sett entrance, although such work will be avoided wherever possible.

Newts, Lizards and Frogs: Prior to construction these will be captured and relocated, under appropriate NIEA licences using agreed techniques (including the use of temporary or semi-permanent reptile-proof fencing to exclude them from construction areas).
We will also create two new freshwater breeding ponds and construct at least three hibernacula (underground shelters that provide a safe space for amphibians and reptiles).

By preserving, enhancing and creating new habitats, mining operations can co-exist alongside native wildlife and even support enhanced biodiversity.

Your support matters
Support our plans to create jobs, strengthen the local community and respect the environment. The Department for Infrastructure will take your views into account. Help make our plans a reality.
Your letter of support will be sent directly to the Department for Infrastructure. Dalradian will not see your letter, nor any of your details.
Great things can happen with your support
Support our plans to create jobs, strengthen the local community and respect the environment. The Department for Infrastructure will take your views into account. Help make our plans a reality.
Customise a letter of support in two simple steps:
Provide your personal details
This will signal your support to the Department for Infrastructure. You can choose to keep these details private.
Tell the Department for Infrastructure why you support the project
Please tick all the elements you like about the proposed project.
Dalradian will not see your letter, nor any of your details. Your letter of support will be sent directly to the Department for Infrastructure