Dalradian community support tops £1 million
Support from Dalradian for charities and community organisations in Tyrone and Fermanagh has passed the landmark £1 million figure. The company, which is developing an underground gold, silver and copper mine in County Tyrone, has been contributing to local organisations for the last 10 years.
The majority of the donations have been made through the Dalradian Community Fund, formerly known as the Tyrone Fund which was established in 2015. This provides grants and donations to groups committed to benefiting the local community.
The total amount invested in community projects, including one-off charitable donations, has now reached £1.1 million. This money has supported more than 600 organisations.
For the first time this year, the Dalradian Community Fund opened to organisations based in Fermanagh. In total, just under 100 groups from across both Fermanagh and Tyrone were awarded grants in the latest round of donations, including sports clubs, charities, community groups, schools, play groups and youth clubs.
Dalradian will also provide future support through a minimum £4 million community fund once the mine becomes operational. This commitment is an integral part of the project’s planning application.
Peter McKenna, Dalradian’s Community Relations Manager, said:
“Yet again, the volume of applications received for the latest round of the Dalradian Community Fund has been very impressive.
“For many of these groups normal fund-raising activities haven’t been possible due to COVID-19 restrictions. We are pleased that the Fund can help these groups in some small way.
“In the last 12 months people across our community have risen to the challenge of the pandemic and come together to support each other. It has been a pleasure to have the opportunity to help a multitude of community-based organisations in this work.
“We are fortunate to have so many community organisations committed to improving the quality of our everyday lives and they should be applauded, particularly for their vital work in response to the pandemic in the past year.
“I never cease to be amazed by the selflessness and passion which so many ordinary people bring to the service of our community.
“Some of the more local groups in our area have now been funded for many years and their skill and imagination around new projects and ideas have allowed us to become involved in sports, social care, local events and even a project to secure match funding for environmental projects in the Owenkillew River.”
Applications for the Dalradian Community Fund open twice yearly and applications for the next round of funding is due to begin in June. For more information on the Fund keep an eye out in local newspapers and on social media.

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