75% reduction in carbon footprint over 5 years of Carbon Neutral Plus certification
Dalradian recognise the importance of calculating and reducing our carbon emissions. That’s why, beginning in 2019 we implemented a carbon management plan to actively reduce carbon emissions. To date, we have been able to reduce our total carbon footprint by 75.4% from the 2019 baseline. This achievement and other measures such as tree planting in Northern Ireland have helped us secure Carbon Neutral Plus status for 2023, the fifth year running.
We are also committed to building and operating Europe’s first carbon neutral mine. Our proposals were modified in 2019 to reduce emissions at the future mine by 25% through use of electric vehicles where possible, transporting ore and waste rock to surface via conveyor belt and using underground ore-sorting equipment to reduce the quantity of rock transported to surface.

The future mine will use the best available technology to manage climate-related risks. We are keeping abreast of evolving technology around electric vehicles, fuel types, low carbon concrete, steel and other inputs and will implement where possible.
Over the last few years, we have taken delivery of our first electric vehicle, upgraded our office heating and lighting systems to reduce electricity use. We’ve also switched to 100% renewable electricity supply and reduced diesel consumption by improving operational efficiency.

Dalradian's Sustainability & Community Relations Officer, Oonagh McKenna, commented:
“For the last five years, our team at Dalradian have identified and implemented plans to reduce our carbon emissions. It has been a collective effort to increase our energy efficiency across all our operations.
“We are also proactively looking forward to how we can manage our emissions post planning approval, when our operations ramp up. We are working with suppliers to ensure the best solutions for our future operations, researching best available technology and alternative energy sources.
"We have created a culture within the company where our sustainability efforts are a priority and are a part of all decision making. Congratulations to our team!”

To offset our emissions from 2023, we have chosen to support an internationally certified Zambia safe water project. With less than 50% of the rural Zambian population having access to safe water, borehole handpumps offer communities a reliable means of accessing clean groundwater aquifers. Nearly 90% of the rural population rely on wood as their primary energy source, and for those that have no choice but to boil water for purification, this contributes to a major source hazardous household air pollution as well as carbon emissions. The project rehabilitates and maintains these vital safe water sources, trains the communities on best WASH practices, and builds the capacity of local communities to manage and maintain the water sources into the future.

Carbon Footprint Ltd. assessed our carbon footprint for 2023 following the exacting requirements of ISO 14064-1, an international standard for businesses and other organisations to quantify, monitor, report and offset greenhouse gas emissions. Carbon Neutral Plus status means that in addition to reducing our emissions and supporting an internationally recognised offsetting project, we have gone one step further by supporting tree planting. To date, over 1,700 trees have been planted through our support.

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